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Submission Guidelines

Heart on Our Sleeves is a literary magazine with an emphasis on showcasing brand new poetry and prose. All submissions must be unpublished and your own original work. We do not accept wholly AI-generated content (though AI-assisted content is all right, if it constitutes less than fifty percent of the total product).


Our magazine is centralized on a theme each issue, and we expect your piece to be at least tangentially related to said theme. Submissions unrelated to the theme will be discarded. Thank you for your understanding.


We realize that art is sometimes heavy and touches on sensitive themes. These deep dives into difficult topics are welcome, as long as they are not gratuitous for the sake of shock value. Please be mindful when crafting your pieces.


All submissions must be anonymous in nature, having no identifying information in the file name, title, or body of work. Authorial credit will be given if and after the piece is chosen for our press.


Please only submit one piece (one poem or one prose work) per issue. As this press is run entirely by a single person, this will hopefully limit the amount of submissions the founder will have to sort through.


Also, we would prefer if your pieces came in the form of Microsoft Word documents, Google Drive links, or plain text within the body of your email submission. PDFs and the like are difficult to manipulate for editing and copy/paste purposes, so please keep that in mind as you submit.


If you have a piece that doesn't quite fit the definition of "prose" or "poetry," that's okay! We encourage you to submit it anyway. Here at Heart on Our Sleeves, we're open to showcasing flash fiction, short plays, creative nonfiction pieces, and a myriad of other things as well, as long as they're related to our theme.


As for the length of submissions, please adhere to the following specifications:


  • For art that aligns with the concept of poetry: Please have your piece be no longer than five pages.

  • For art that aligns with the concept of prose: Please have your piece be no longer than two thousand words.

  • For all other works: Please fall within the specs of either/or of the guidelines above.


We, as a press, will not and do not own any rights to your pieces if you are chosen for our magazine. Your art is your own, and you may do with it what you see fit. We only ask that you submit unpublished pieces in the spirit of promoting new and upcoming writers/writings.

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